FROM BORDER TO HOME at 15th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition

FROM BORDER TO HOME / 15th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition

Through the competition “From border to home”, Satoshi Ohtaki and his idea “start with the roof” was selected as one of the exhibitors for the Finnish pavilion in 15th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition.

FROM BORDER TO HOME / 第15回 ヴェネチアビエンナーレ国際建築展

第15回 ヴェネチアビエンナーレ国際建築展のフィンランド館の出展作家として大滝知が選出された。
シリア危機を背景にフィンランドに押し寄せた、滞在許可を待つ大量の難民のための仮設住宅のデザイン “start with the roof” が展示された。
